Sunday to Thursday 10AM - 10PM
Friday & Saturday 10AM - 11PM

68 St Vincent Street, Ulladulla NSW, 2539


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Casino Returned Servicemen’s Memorial Club Limited will be held at 162 Canterbury St, Casino in the Club’s Auditorium on Sunday 28th November 2021 at 11:30 am.





  1. Apologies
  2. To confirm the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Sunday 25th October 2020.
  3.  President’s Report.
  4. To receive, consider and adopt the financial report of the company and of the economic entity for the year ended 30 June 2021 and the reports by directors and auditors thereon.
  5. To consider, and if thought fit, approve an Ordinary Resolution (set out below) conferring benefits on directors for 2021/2022.
  6. To consider, and if thought fit, approve a Special Resolution (set out below) to award Life Membership to Mr James Battese.
  7. To consider, and if thought fit, approve a Special Resolution (set out below) to amend the Constitution of the Club.
  8. General Business

Ordinary Resolution

“That the members hereby approve for the period preceding the 2021 Annual General Meeting the conferring of the payments in (a) and the benefits in (b) to the Directors in respect of their service as members of the Club’s Board as follows:
(a) pursuant to Section 10(6)(b) of the Registered Clubs Act 1976:

  • reimbursements of out-of-pocket expenses up to $700 per month for the President and $300 per month for each Director; and
  • an honorarium to the President and each Director of $120 per ordinary monthly board meeting and special meeting attended by each. In regards to the preceding stand alone meetings of RSM Properties Pty Ltd shall be deemed to be special meeting of the Board up to a maximum of six (6) per annum.

(b) pursuant to section 10(6A) of the Registered Clubs’ Act 1976,

  • two (2) complimentary tickets to shows and functions conducted on Club premises.
  • three (3) parking spaces to be allocated as determined by the Board.
  • reasonable meals and refreshments whilst entertaining and hosting special guests of professional advisers to the Club.
  • reasonable meals and refreshments following Board and Committee Meetings at the Club.
  • reasonable expenditure on accommodation, transport, course costs, one meal and a $120 daily allowance whilst attending industry seminars, training activities, trade shows, conferences and other industry activities as determined by the Board from time to time.
  • the provision of a Club blazer, dress shirt, polo shirt and tie for Directors when required to represent the Club.

(c) The members acknowledge that these benefits described above are not available to members.”

Special Resolution

“That per provision 25 of the Constitution of Casino Returned Servicemen’s Memorial Club Limited, Life Membership be awarded to member Mr James Battese”.

“That the Constitution of Casino Returned Servicemen’s Memorial Club Limited (“the Club”), be amended as follows:



By order of the Board

Company Secretary

N.H. Genge


Find us


68 St Vincent Street, Ulladulla NSW, 2539